Agenda Item #1

MAY 23-24, 2016


SUBJECT:    AFA-CWA Proposed Annual Budget


Should the 2016 – 2017 AFA-CWA Annual Budget be adopted as proposed?

SOURCE AND DATE SUBMITTED:       International President – April 15, 2016


See attached Memo from the International Secretary-Treasurer and the 42-page budget.


WHEREAS the AFA-CWA Board of Directors sets and reaffirms our priorities each year the Annual Board of Directors Meeting; and,

WHEREAS, together we build our annual budget to support our priorities based upon available resources, including our income; and,

WHEREAS, the Budget Committee has met and submitted a balanced budget recommendation to the Board of Directors,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the CWA Dues Average of $50 was used in the construction of the 2016-2017 AFA-CWA Budget for the fiscal year beginning June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017; and,

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors in session on May 23-24, 2016 for the purpose of passing a balanced budget, waive the provisions delineated in Section IV.C.1. and Section IV.G.2. for this upcoming fiscal year.  Further action includes:  the 2017 Board of Directors meeting will be scheduled such that the bulk of the cost of the meeting will fall on or after June 1, 2017; and, the MEC and LEC budgets will be maintained comparable to the 2015-2016 budget allocation amounts.

Adobe Acrobat PDF Agenda Item 1: AFA-CWA Proposed Annual Budget

Adobe Acrobat PDF Budget – ST Letter

Adobe Acrobat PDF Budget – Revenue and Summary


Date:   5/24/16

Time:  9:30 am


Agenda Item#            1

Committee#               1

Subject:                      2016-2017 Annual Budget

By action of the Board, the resolution is amended as follows:

WHEREAS the AFA-CWA Board of Directors sets and reaffirms our priorities each year the Annual Board of Directors Meeting; and,

WHEREAS, together we build our annual budget to support our priorities based upon available resources, including our income; and,

WHEREAS, the Budget Committee has met and submitted a balanced budget recommendation to the Board of Directors,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the CWA Dues Average of $50 was used in the construction of the 2016-2017 AFA-CWA Budget for the fiscal year beginning June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017; and,

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors in session on May 24, 2016 for the purpose of passing a balanced budget, waive the provisions delineated in Section IV.C.1. and Section IV.G.2. for this fiscal year.  Further action includes the following:  The 2017 Board of Directors meeting will be scheduled such that the bulk of the cost of the meeting will fall on or after June 1, 2017; the Advanced Leader Training will be scheduled in Fall 2016; and the MEC and LEC budgets will be maintained comparable to the 2015-2016 budget allocation amounts. 

Signature              Jeffrey Heisey                 

Committee Chairperson


Action Taken by the Board:                           Voice     X           Division of the House              Roll Call        


_______Adopted              Date:   5/24/16        Time: 10:04 am

      X     Adopted as Amended

_______Not Adopted


_______Recommitted to Agenda Committee
