Agenda Item #9
Posted on Apr 22, 2016 in 2016 Agenda Items
SUBJECT: Authority to Establish Local Councils (Articles III.A.3. & VI.B.1.i.)
Should Articles III.A.3. and VI.B.1.i. be amended to allow a Master Executive Council be the sole authority on establishment of a new council?
SOURCE AN DATE SUBMITTED: Council 60, 63, 64, 36, 37 – March 17, 2016
Each MEC knows the needs and circumstances of their own union business. As long as the minimum provisions are met in Section 1.I. of the Policy Manual, a MEC vote should suffice in determining opening new Local Councils in new bases.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Article III.A.3.a. and b. shall be amended as follows:
- Authority to Establish Councils
a. The Executive Board Master Executive Council shall have the authority to establish Local Councils and create new Councils for the purpose of representation, and. The Executive Board will make assignments to election categories.
b. The number and location of Local Councils, as well as the Local Council number shall be recommended by the Master Executive Council and final determination shall be made by the Executive Board.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Article VI.B.1.i. shall be deleted, and subsequent subsections re-numbered accordingly.
Date: 5/23/16
Time: 5:36 p.m.
Agenda Item 9
Committee 8
Subject: Authority to Establish Local Councils
(Articles III.A.3. & VI.B.1.i.)
The Committee recommends the following substitute referral:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Article III.A.3.a. and b. shall be amended as follows:
- Authority to Establish Councils
a. The Executive Board Master Executive Council shall have the authority to establish Local Councils and create new Councils for the purpose of representation, and. The Executive Board will make assignments to election categories.
b. The number and location of Local Councils, as well as the Local Council number shall be recommended by the Master Executive Council and final determination shall be made by the Executive Board.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Article VI.B.1.i. shall be deleted, and subsequent subsections re-numbered accordingly.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) be tasked with reviewing Article III.A. and bring forth any recommendations to the 45th Board of Directors meeting. These recommendations should address all necessary criteria and structure needed to establish a new local council.
Signature: Robert Barrow
Committee Chairperson
Action Taken by the Board: Voice X Division of the House Roll Call____
_______Adopted Date: 5/24/16 Time: 9:06 am
___X__ Adopted as Amended
_______Not Adopted
_______Recommitted to Agenda Committee
Agenda Item #8
Posted on Apr 22, 2016 in 2016 Agenda Items
SUBJECT: Dues – Prepayment of Annual Dues (Article XI.B.4.)
Should the 10% discount for prepayment of annual dues be reinstated?
SOURCE AND DATE SUBMITTED: International President – April 15, 2016
This discount for annual dues was introduced at a time when interest rates were high and it made fiscal sense for the Union to collect dues on an annual basis. The 10% discount far exceeds the financial benefit to the Union and results in reduced resources available to provide representation to members.
Initially, this provision was inserted into the Constitution because it was fiscally advantageous to the Union to receive the dues moneys earlier. Given the current very low interest rates, it is no longer fiscally prudent to retain this provision.
The 2015 Board of Directors eliminated the 10% reduction with the proviso that the concept be reintroduced and voted upon as an advanced agenda item in 2016.
WHEREAS, as a result of action of the 2015 Board of Directors, a significant savings was achieved by eliminating the 10% discount for prepayment of annual dues; and,
WHEREAS, the resolution in 2015 required that this provision be re-introduced as an advanced agenda item;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Article XI.B.4. be reinstated as follows:
- Prepayment of Annual DuesAny member may pay dues annually in advance prior to July 1 of any year, instead of quarterly and a ten percent (10%) discount will be granted to such member on such annual prepaid amount.
Date: 5/23/16
Time: 5:16 p.m.
Agenda Item 8
Committee 7
Subject: Dues – Prepayment of Annual Dues (Article XI.B.4.)
The Committee recommends this resolution not be adopted.
Signature: Anthony King
Committee Chairperson
Action Taken by the Board: Voice X Division of the House Roll Call____
_______Adopted Date: 5/23/16 Time: 6:02 pm
_______Adopted as Amended
___X__ Not Adopted
_______Recommitted to Agenda Committee
Agenda Item #7
Posted on Apr 22, 2016 in 2016 Agenda Items
SUBJECT: Dues – Obligation at Two Months and Elimination of the Initiation Fee (Articles II.C.3. and XI.C.)
Should Members be required to pay dues upon reaching two months of active service and the Initiation Fee be eliminated?
SOURCE AN DATE SUBMITTED: International President – April 15, 2016
The arrival of new-hire Flight Attendants is always a good sign at any airline. The addition of new members becoming active in the Local Council makes the Council stronger and more vibrant.
These newest members, from the first day they arrive on the line, are covered by the collective agreement and enjoy the vast majority of contractual protections and benefits. However, Local Councils have long realized that the arrival of new F/A’s significantly increases the representational activity with these newest members.
The concept behind this agenda item is merely to relate the payment of dues to the services rendered, rather than align dues payments to an arbitrary end date of probation.
While not the prime motivating factor, this change is consistent with Board direction to explore revenue ideas.
This change is also consistent with Department of Labor standards.
WHEREAS the Department of Labor (DOL) recognizes normal payment of dues from the second month of employment; and,
WHEREAS, AFA has always ensured that new members receive all contractual benefits associated with scope, pay, benefits, and working conditions; and,
WHEREAS, all Flight Attendants reap the benefits of the vast majority of contractual provisions from the first day of employment; and,
WHEREAS, payment of dues should relate to receipt of contractual protections rather than an arbitrary duration of probation that is determined by management; and,
WHEREAS, elimination of the existing Initiation Fee will provide some financial relief to these same new members;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Article II.C.3. be amended as follows:
- Apprentice MembersAn apprentice member is a flight attendant who possesses all the requirements for active membership with the exception of having completed the required company probationary period stipulated in that member’s employment agreement two month union apprenticeship, or who need not be represented by the Union under that member’s employment agreement, and whose application for such status has been approved in accordance with Sections of this Article. Such member will not be required to assume any financial obligation until becoming eligible for active membership. An apprentice member is excluded from the rights and privileges of the Union until that member meets the full requirements for active membership. However, an apprentice member shall be allowed full privileges of the floor at any Local Council meeting or portion thereof which has not been specifically declared closed to apprentice members.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Article XI.C. (Initiation Fee) be deleted and subsequent subsections be re-numbered accordingly.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that these changes will be effective for Flight Attendants hired on or after January 1, 2017; and,
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, the International Secretary-Treasurer shall make other necessary changes as needed to ensure consistency with the changes described above.
Date: 5/23/16
Time: 5:46 p.m.
Agenda Item 7
Committee 7
Subject: Dues – Obligation at Two Months and Elimination of the Initiation Fee
(Articles II.C.3. and XI.C., Section IV, B.12. & C.1.b.)
The Committee recommends the following substitute resolution:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Constitution & Bylaws will be amended as follows:
C. Description of Classes
- Active Members
a. An active member is a flight attendant employed by an airline for whom the Union is the bargaining representative who has met the qualifications of Section A. of this Article and has been approved for such status in accordance with Section D. of this Article. A Flight Attendant shall be eligible to become an active member following four full calendar months of service as a Flight Attendant following the completion of training. An active member in good standing shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Union, including the right to vote and hold elected and appointed office. A member shall remain active until: [This amended provision effective January 1, 2017.]
C.3. Apprentice Members
An apprentice member is a Flight Attendant who possesses all the requirements for active membership with the exception of having completed the required company probationary period stipulated in that member’s employment agreement, or who need not be represented by the Union under that member’s employment agreement, and whose application for such status has been approved in accordance with Sections of this Article. Such member will not be required to assume any financial obligation until becoming eligible for active membership. An apprentice member is excluded from the rights and privileges of the Union until that member meets the full requirements for active membership. However, an apprentice member shall be allowed full privileges on the floor at any Local Council meeting or portion thereof which has not been specifically declared closed to apprentice members. [This provision will be replaced with the below paragraph effective January 1, 2017.]
C.3. Apprentice Members
An apprentice member is a Flight Attendant who possesses all the requirements for active membership except for the requirement of four full calendar months of service as defined in Paragraph C.1 above with the exception of having completed the required company probationary period stipulated in that member’s employment agreement, or who need not be represented by the Union under that member’s employment agreement, and whose application for such status has been approved in accordance with Sections of this Article. Such member will not be required to assume any financial obligation until becoming eligible for active membership. An apprentice member is excluded from the rights and privileges of the Union until that member meets the full requirements for active membership. However, an apprentice member shall be allowed full privileges on the floor at any Local Council meeting or portion thereof which has not been specifically declared closed to apprentice members. [This amended provision effective January 1, 2017.]
C. Initiation Fee
- Each applicant accepted by the Union for active membership on or after October 31, 2005 shall be required to pay an initiation fee of sixty dollars ($60.00), paid either at one time on approval of active membership or on a monthly basis for six (6) months at ten dollars ($10.00) per month. Individuals who were members of AFA-CWA carriers at the time AFA-CWA’s representation rights terminated at their carrier shall not be required to pay an initiation fee upon rejoining AFA-CWA. Payment of initiation fees for members on newly organized carriers without prior Union representation and a collective bargaining agreement shall be deferred until after an initial contract is ratified.
- The International President may ballot the Executive Board for the purpose of waiving initiation fees in connection with organizing activities. Majority vote shall prevail. [This provision deleted effective January 1, 2017.]
Section IV
B.12. Upon receipt, thirty-five (35%) percent of the initiation fee collected from members on each airline will be credited to the Master Executive Council budget on that airline. [This provision deleted effective January 1, 2017.]
Section IV
C.1.b. Upon receipt sixty-five (65%) percent of the initiation fee collected from members in each Local Council will be credited to the Local Executive Council budget for that council. [This provision deleted effective January 1, 2017.]
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, the International Secretary-Treasurer shall make other necessary changes, including any references to the initiation fee, to ensure consistency with the changes described above.
Signature: Anthony King
Committee Chairperson
Action Taken by the Board: Voice X Division of the House Roll Call____
_______Adopted Date: 5/24/16 Time: 3:15 pm
___X__ Adopted as Amended
_______Not Adopted
_______Recommitted to Agenda Committee
Agenda Item #6
Posted on Apr 22, 2016 in 2016 Agenda Items
SUBJECT: Continuing Committees – Elections (Section XIV.)
Who will be appointed to fill the positions available on the Continuing Committees?
SOURCE AND DATE SUBMITTED: International President – April 15, 2016
Filling positions on the Continuing committees of the Board of Directors is governed by Article V.L. and Section XIV.B.1. Members of the Board made recommendations to the International President, and these were discussed on the Executive Board conference call on April 1, 2016.
The Executive Board directed that a list of nominated names be finalized and provided to the Board of Directors for consideration and final approval.
A. Finance – 6/1/2016 – 5/31/2018
WHEREAS, the Finance Committee consists of five members with at least one from each of the following groups of carriers: under 500 members; over 500 but under 3,000 members; over 3,000 members; and, two members from any carrier regardless of size;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following members have been nominated to fill the positions in each airline group:
under 500 members Heather Coleman HZN 16 LECP
501-2,999 members Justin Phillips MSA 56 Member
Sherrie Thompson FA9 MEC S-T
over 3,000 members Terry Taylor ALA 19 Member
Dante Harris UAL 12 LECP
Jeff Heisey UAL MEC S-T
B. Negotiations Policy – 6/1/2016 – 5/31/2018
WHEREAS, the Negotiations Policy Committee consists of four members;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following members have been nominated to fill the positions:
Kelly Wells ALA 19 Member
John Grace AMR 52 MEC VP
Charlie Hromjah-Black CAL 62 Member
Greg Davidowitch UAL 21 Member
C. International Affairs – 6/1/2016 – 5/31/2018
WHEREAS, the International Affairs Committee consist of four members;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following members have been nominated to fill the positions:
Natasha Glasper MIA MECP
Steve Brooks CAL 62 Member
Jorge Buchelli SPR MEC P
Rick Gonzalez UAL 38 LECP
D. Leadership Development – 6/1/2016 – 5/31/2018
WHEREAS, the Leadership Development Committee consists of four members;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following members have been nominated to fill the positions:
Laura Masserant ALA 19 LECP
Krystle Cook ALA 19 Member
Jaci-Ann Chung HAL 43 LECP
Anita Jwanouskos PED MECP
E. Political / Legislative – 1/1/2017-12/31/2018
WHEREAS, the Political / Legislative Committee consists of four members;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following members have been nominated to fill the positions:
Beverly Bullock ALA MEC Gov’t Affairs Chair
Mary Oswald AMR MEC Gov’t Affairs Chair
Ginny McDavit CAL 64 Gov’t Affairs Chair
Mary Garton UAL 12 Member
Diane Tucker UAL 11 Member (Alt)
F. Strategic Planning – 6/1/2016 – 5/31/2018
WHEREAS, the Strategic Planning Committee consists of five members with at least one from each of the following groups of carriers: under 500 members; over 500 but under 3,000 members; over 3,000 members; and, two members from any carrier regardless of size;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following members have been nominated to fill the positions in each airline group:
under 500 members Heather Coleman HZN 16 LECP
501-2,999 members Brian Palmer ALA MEC VP
Robert Barrow AMR 52 LECP
Angie Piller FA9 71 LECP
over 3,000 members Denny Wheeling CAL 64 LECP
Dante Harris UAL 12 LECP
G. Crew Accommodation and Transportation Policy Committee – 6/1/2016 – 5/31/2018
WHEREAS, the Crew Accommodation and Transportation Policy Committee consists of five members with at least one from each of the following groups of carriers: under 500 members; over 500 but under 3,000 members; over 3,000 members; and at least one from a charter carrier;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following members have been nominated to fill the positions in each airline group:
under 500 members Franz Decordova MIA MEC S-T
Jaime Martinez ARW 03 Member
501-2,999 members Matt Mitchell HAL MEC Hotel Chair
over 3,000 members VACANCY
Marian Drabosenik UAL MEC Hotel Committee
Date: 5/23/16
Time: 5:10 p.m.
Agenda Item 6
Committee 6
Subject: Continuing Committees – Elections (Section XIV.)
The Committee recommends the resolution be amended as follows:
A. Finance – 6/1/2016 – 5/31/2018
WHEREAS, the Finance Committee consists of five members with at least one from each of the following groups of carriers: under 500 members; over 500 but under 3,000 members; over 3,000 members; and, two members from any carrier regardless of size;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following members have been nominated to fill the positions in each airline group:
under 500 members Heather Coleman HZN 16 LECP
501-2,999 members Justin Phillips MSA 56 LECP (ALT)
Sherrie Thompson FA9 MEC S-T
over 3,000 members Terry Taylor ALA 19 Member
Dante Harris UAL 12 LECP
Jeff Heisey UAL MEC S-T
B. Negotiations Policy – 6/1/2016 – 5/31/2018
WHEREAS, the Negotiations Policy Committee consists of four members;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following members have been nominated to fill the positions:
Kelle Porter Wells ALA 19 Member
John Grace AMR 52 MEC VP
Charlie Hromjah-Black CAL 62 Member
Greg Davidowitch UAL 21 06 Member
C. International Affairs – 6/1/2016 – 5/31/2018
WHEREAS, the International Affairs Committee consist of four members;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following members have been nominated to fill the positions:
Natasha Glasper MIA MECP
Steve Brooks CAL 62 Member
Jorge Buchelli SPR MECP
Rick Gonzalez UAL 38 LECP
D. Leadership Development – 6/1/2016 – 5/31/2018
WHEREAS, the Leadership Development Committee consists of four members;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following members have been nominated to fill the positions:
Laura Masserant ALA 19 LECP
Krystle Cook ALA 19 Member
Jaci-Ann Chung HAL 43 LECP
Anita Jwanouskos PED MECP
Thomas Burton EDV MEC S-T (ALT)
Todd Failla UAL 21 LECP (ALT)
E. Political / Legislative – 1/1/2017-12/31/2018
WHEREAS, the Political / Legislative Committee consists of four members;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following members have been nominated to fill the positions:
Beverly Bullock ALA MEC Gov’t Affairs Chair
Mary Oswald AMR MEC Gov’t Affairs Chair
Ginny McDavid CAL 64 Gov’t Affairs Chair
Mary Garton UAL 11 Member
Diane Tucker UAL 11 Member (Alt)
Andrew Fahy UAL 27 LECP (ALT)
F. Strategic Planning – 6/1/2016 – 5/31/2018
WHEREAS, the Strategic Planning Committee consists of five members with at least one from each of the following groups of carriers: under 500 members; over 500 but under 3,000 members; over 3,000 members; and, two members from any carrier regardless of size;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following members have been nominated to fill the positions in each airline group:
under 500 members Heather Coleman HZN 16 LECP
501-2,999 members Brian Palmer ALA MEC VP
Robert Barrow AMR 52 LECP
Angie Piller FA9 71 LECP
over 3,000 members Denny Wheeling CAL 64 LECP
Dante Harris UAL 12 LECP
Brian Palmer ALA MEC VP
G. Crew Accommodation and Transportation Policy Committee –
6/1/2016 – 5/31/2018
WHEREAS, the Crew Accommodation and Transportation Policy Committee consists of five members with at least one from each of the following groups of carriers: under 500 members; over 500 but under 3,000 members; over 3,000 members; and at least one from a charter carrier;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following members have been nominated to fill the positions in each airline group:
under 500 members Franz Decordova MIA MEC S-T
Jaime Martinez ARW 03 Member
501-2,999 members Matt Mitchell HAL MEC Hotel Chair
over 3,000 members VACANCY
Marian Drabosenik UAL MEC Hotel Committee Chair
Jodi Snow ALA 19 Hotel Chair
Tim Hopkins SPR 74 LECP (ALT)
Julie Miller UAL 9 Member (ALT)
Signature: Heather Coleman
Committee Chairperson
Action Taken by the Board: Voice X Division of the House Roll Call____
_______Adopted Date: 5/24/16 Time: 9:01 am
___X__ Adopted as Amended
_______Not Adopted
_______Recommitted to Agenda Committee
Agenda Item #5
Posted on Apr 22, 2016 in 2016 Agenda Items
SUBJECT: BOD Meeting – Agenda (Articles V.D. & V.E.)
Should the Agenda for BOD Meetings be revised?
SOURCE AN DATE SUBMITTED: International President – April 15, 2016
It is clear that many Board Delegates are concerned with the high cost and use of resources on an annual basis. It is equally clear that many Board Delegates find value in gathering the entire Board on an annual basis.
Significant cost-savings of up to $200,000 can be achieved if the Board alternates between a “full” regular BOD Meeting in the even years, and a “budget-only” BOD Meeting in the odd years.
The regular meeting in even years would be the same or similar to BOD Meetings that are currently conducted. The budget-only meetings in the odd years would be similar to the budget-only BOD Meetings that have been conducted in the past. The most notable difference is that these are completed within a day, so costs are significantly reduced.
The Board could decide to conduct this budget-only BOD Meeting in conjunction with the CWA Convention, or plan it as a stand-alone meeting. Additionally, it would be conducted within the same time frame of February 1st through May 15, unless the Board was to decide otherwise. International Officer elections are conducted every four years in even years, so this process would continue to be conducted at a “full” regular meeting.
Provisions enabling Special Meetings and Changing the Order of Business remain in place.
A separate and distinct change to the agenda of BOD Meetings involves incorporation of a time to present an “In Memoriam.” By way of a Floor Resolution at the 2015 Board of Directors Meeting, the BOD directed time be placed on the BOD Meeting program to conduct a Memoriam to recognize those members, volunteers, activists, and leaders who have passed away since the last meeting.
WHEREAS, the AFA-CWA Board of Directors wishes to continue a practice of meeting on an annual basis; and,
WHEREAS, Board delegates recognize the high cost and use of resources when conducting full regular BOD Meetings on an annual basis, and want to ensure the most effective and efficient use of dues dollars; and,
WHEREAS, the intent is to ensure an efficient use of resources by conducting this budget-only BOD Meeting in a single day with consideration given to conducting the meeting in conjunction with the CWA Convention, even if it is outside the normal time frame; and,
WHEREAS, International Officer elections are conducted every four years in even numbered years, and that process will not change; and,
WHEREAS, other provisions enabling special meetings and changing the order of business remain in place to ensure the Board retains the flexibility to adapt as necessary to represent the needs of the membership;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Article V.D. be amended as follows:
D. Regular and Special Meetings
- A regular meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held once every year. The date shall be between 01 February and 15 May.
- During even numbered years, a regular Board meeting will be conducted per the normal agenda contained in Article V.D.3. During odd numbered years, the Board meeting will follow the same agenda with the proposed annual budget as the only agenda item.
- The regular Board of Directors meeting shall be held at the location designated by the Board of Directors. Reasonable and adequate hotel accommodations, in the form of single rooms, will be provided, unless otherwise specified. If price, availability, location and amenities are comparable, preferred lodging is at a union hotel. Special consideration shall be given to those hotels that provide rooms with windows that open and food availability 24 hours a day located within the hotel, such as room service or lounge menu availability.
- Notice of annual Board of Directors meetings shall be sent by USPS First Class Mail to each member of the Board of Directors at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning date of said annual meeting.
- Subject to Paragraph 4 below and Article VIII.A., the order of business at annual Board of Directors meetings normally shall be:
- Call to order by Chairperson
- Roll Call of Delegates
- Announcement of unrepresented Local Councils
- Communications
- Report of International Officers
- Nomination and Election of International Officers, if required
- Ratification of Agenda Committee Assignments, if required
- Committee Reports
- In Memoriam
- Unfinished Business
- New Business and Special Events
- Good and Welfare
- Adjournment
- The Board of Directors may change the order of business by majority vote whenever it deems necessary.
- a. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called at any time by the Executive Board or the International President.
- Whenever thirty percent (30%) of the active membership petitions the International Secretary-Treasurer of the Union requesting that the Board of Directors be called into session, the International Secretary-Treasurer shall, within seven (7) days, ballot the active membership on the question of whether or not the Board of Directors shall be called into session. Said ballot shall state the issue or issues upon which the petitioners desire the Board of Directors to act, and shall state a reasonable count date for the ballot. If a majority of the active members vote in favor of calling the Board of Directors into session, the International Secretary-Treasurer shall, within seven (7) days from said count date, mail notice of such meeting to all members of the Board of Directors by certified mail, return receipt requested, fixing the date for convening such meeting, which date shall not be less than seven (7) days nor more than fourteen (14) days from the date of mailing such notices.
- The Board of Directors in a special meeting may adopt any order of business it deems necessary, provided that any deviation from the announced agenda for special meetings will require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Article V.E. be amended as follows:
E. Agenda Submission Procedure
- At all regular annual meetings of the Board of Directors, the following procedure shall apply with respect to submission of agenda items:
- All agenda items must be reduced to writing and shall include an explanation of the action proposed.
- Such items shall be approved by either the Local Council, Master Executive Council, Executive Board, Standing Committees or International President.
- All submissions must be received by or bear a postmark date not later than sixty (60) days prior to the first day of the Board meeting.
- No later than thirty (30) days prior to the Board meeting, the International Secretary- Treasurer shall transmit to the members of the Board of Directors the items which have been thus duly placed on the agenda, and at that time furnish the members of the Board of Directors their individual committee assignments, and each committee’s known agenda items.
- Agenda items shall be published as submitted. No additions, deletions or editing may be made without the permission of the sponsor.
- Late agenda items may be submitted by a delegate, Master Executive Council or the Executive Board during the first two (2) days of the regular Board meeting. The International President may submit an agenda item at any time. Acceptance of late agenda items shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors.
- All agenda items which may involve expenditures shall be expensed by the Budget Committee or the General Manager before they are reported out of Agenda Committee.
- When an agenda item has been properly submitted as provided above, a Master Executive Council may at any time up through the first two (2) days of the regular Board meeting, in writing, endorse any such item. By thus endorsing the item, the Master Executive Council shall hereby become cosponsor of the agenda item.
- Endorsement of any item may be withdrawn, provided, however, withdrawal of any item from the agenda may be accomplished only by concurrence of all sponsors.
Date: 5/23/16
Time: 4:03 p.m.
Agenda Item 5
Committee 5
Subject: BOD Meeting – Agenda (Articles V.D. & V.E.)
The Committee recommends the resolution be adopted as proposed with the following additional change to add the word “advanced”:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Article V.D. be amended as follows:
D. Regular and Special Meetings
- A meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held once every year. The date shall be between 01 February and 15 May.
a. During even numbered years, a regular Board meeting will be conducted per the normal agenda contained in Article V.D.3. During odd numbered years, the Board meeting will follow the same agenda with the proposed annual budget as the only advanced agenda item.
Retain all other changes as in the original proposed agenda item.
Signature: Michael Blake
Committee Chairperson
Action Taken by the Board: Voice X Division of the House Roll Call____
_______Adopted Date: 5/23/16 Time: 4:53 pm
___X__ Adopted as Amended
_______Not Adopted
_______Recommitted to Agenda Committee
Agenda Item #4
Posted on Apr 22, 2016 in 2016 Agenda Items
SUBJECT: Nomination and Election Process (Article VIII.C.)
Should Article VIII.C. be modified so as to provide for a more cost-effective process for nomination and election processes?
SOURCE AND DATE SUBMITTED: Council 60, 64, 36 – March 17, 2016
The process to nominate candidates for Local Officer positions is costly and complex. Given that a prospective candidate needs only one other Active Member in Good Standing to provide a nomination, the process can be made much simple and achieve this same result.
A simplified process would be for any Active Member in Good Standing to complete a Commitment to Serve as a self-nomination, and secure one other member to second the nomination. This can be achieved without the unnecessary expense of a secret ballot.
The savings for this change would be about $75,000 over the course of an election cycle.
Elections could also be simplified, which could generate a potential cost savings. The simplification would be to forgo an election when a candidate is running unopposed by considering the sole candidate as duly elected. Given anyone with only a single supporter can be placed on the ballot, the need to conduct an election for an unidentified write-in candidate appears unnecessary.
While the savings for this change could be sizable, there is no way to predict how many elections would be unopposed, and thus duly elected.
WHEREAS, significant savings can be achieved by simplifying the process to nominate candidates for Local Officer positions; and,
WHEREAS, the election process can be simplified by considering an unopposed candidate as “duly elected;”
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Article VIII.C.1. be changed as follows:
C. Local Council Officers and CWA Convention Delegates
1. Nomination Procedures
a. No later than one hundred and fifty (150) days before the start of the term of office, the International Secretary-Treasurer of the Union shall cause nominating ballots, notifications of commitment to serve statements and cover letters to be mailed sent to all active members of all Local Councils within the United States scheduled for election as provided in Paragraph 3. of this Section. For all Local Councils located outside of the United States the time frame shall be two hundred and ten (210) days before the start of the term of office. The International Secretary-Treasurer of the Union shall notify the Local Council President thirty (30) days prior to distributing said nominating ballots notification. For newly organized carriers, the nominating ballots, notifications of commitment to serve statements and cover letters shall be mailed sent to all active members of Local Councils no later than sixty (60) days following the appointment of Temporary Local Council Officers.
b. Nomination procedures shall be conducted by secret ballot by self-nomination with requirement of securing the support of one additional active member in good standing.
c. (1) Each active member in good standing may nominate one (1) self-nominate her or himself to be a candidate for the office of President, Vice President and or Secretary.
(2) The member shall be responsible for determination of that member’s nominee’s commitment to serve prior to nomination prospective candidate is responsible for securing the support of at least one additional active member in good standing and identifying the member(s) on the commitment to serve statement.
d. Nominating ballots, executed by active members in good standing, Commitment to Serve statements shall be sent to the International Secretary-Treasurer of the Union prior to the count date specified on said nominating ballot and received by the announced close of nominations.
e. Nominating ballots Commitment to serve statements of active members in good standing shall be certified and tallied under the supervision of the Ballot Certification Committee at the International Office.
f. (1) The Ballot Certification Committee shall determine legitimacy of a candidate’s commitment to serve as an elected Officer supporter by any one (1) of the following:
(a) Receipt of a commitment to serve card with the nomination ballot At least one phone call and email to the supporter’s designated phone and email address.
(b) WReceipt of written notification from the supporter prior to the count election mail date.
(c) Checking the indicated block on the transmittal envelope.
(2) If a commitment to serve has not been indicated as outlined in C.1.f.(1) above, the AFA-CWA Membership Services Department will contact the nominee through email, phone call(s), and regular mail letter requesting a commitment to serve statement with the exception that no email, phone call(s), and regular mail letter will be sent to a candidate with less than two (2) nomination votes. Verbal confirmation upon receipt of email, phone call(s), and regular mail letter, confirmed in writing, may also serve as notification of a candidate’s commitment to serve.
(3) The International Secretary-Treasurer of the Union shall cause the names of all nominees who received at leasttwo (2) one (1) nomination ballots and who have indicated their commitment to serve to be placed on the official Local Council election ballot.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, a new Article VIII.C.2.a.(5) be added:
(5) In the event that the only one candidate returns a commitment to serve in a timely manner, such candidate shall be considered duly elected to the desired position.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, the International Secretary-Treasurer shall make other necessary changes to Section IX and elsewhere as needed to ensure consistency with the changes described above.
Date: 5/23/16
Time: 8:43 p.m.
Agenda Item 4
Committee 4
Subject: Nomination and Election Process
(Article VIII.C.)
The Committee recommends the following substitute referral:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Agenda Item #4 be referred to the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) to address the following issues pertaining to the item, as well as any other consideration which may arise as a result of the SPC discussion of the item.
Signature: Laura Masserant
Committee Chairperson
Action Taken by the Board: Voice X Division of the House Roll Call____
_______ Adopted Date: 5/24/16 Time: 8:52 am
___X__ Adopted as Amended
_______Not Adopted
_______Recommitted to Agenda Committee
Note: Agenda Committee #4 originally recommended this agenda item as a “not adopt.” In discussion on the Floor of the Board, the Agenda Committee Chair recommended this be referred to the Strategic Planning Committee for further discussion and review. The Board accepted this recommendation.