Agenda Item # 10
Posted on Apr 5, 2015
SUBJECT: Elections – Eligibility (Article III.C.2.a. & c.)
Should Article III.C.2.a. and c. be clarified to address the eligibility of members on temporary assignment?
SOURCE AND DATE SUBMITTED: ALA 15, 18, 19, 30, and 39 – February 27, 2015
ALA flight attendants have the ability to temporarily trade domiciles with another flight attendant for a period of three months at a time (“base swap”). There is no limit to the number of times a base swap may be renewed by the parties. However, if one of the flight attendants submits for a permanent base transfer, then the base swap is terminated when the permanent transfer is granted and the other flight attendant is recalled to her/his original base for the following bid month.
During the past two election cycles, there has been significant confusion amongst the members in regards to how base swaps affect eligibility to run for local office. We have also seen flight attendants effect base swaps in order to run for office in a particular council. Alaska is seeking clarification to Article III by specifying one must be a member of the local council no later than the nomination ballot count date in order to run for local office. Additionally, one cannot be on a base swap and run for local office unless a waiver is sought with the Master Executive Council pursuant to Article III.A.1.
WHEREAS, temporary assignments to other bases have caused confusion in the processes of nominations and elections of Local Council Offices; and,
WHEREAS, clarification of eligibility requirements pertaining to members on temporary assignments are necessary;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Article III.C.2.a. & c. be amended as follows:
a. Members wishing to run for local office must be active members in good standing from the Local Council at the time of nomination and election count dates. If on a temporary assignment from another Local Council, the procedures outlined in Article III.A.1. must be followed.
b. Local Council Officers shall hold office for the term elected, provided the officer remains an active member in good standing of that Local Council.
c. Members holding Local Executive Council office must belong to the Local Council at the domicile where that member holds a bid and cannot be on a temporary assignment to or from another Local Council, unless the procedures outlined in Article III.A.1. are complied with.
d. Notwithstanding the provisions of a., b., and c. above, any person barred from holding union office under the provisions of the Ethical Practices Code shall not be eligible to serve as an officer or representative.
(Office-2015) Date: 4/29/15 Time: 6:30 p.m.
Agenda Item 10
Committee 2
Subject: Elections – Local Council Eligibility (Article III.C.2.a & c.)
The Committee recommends the resolution be adopted as proposed.
Signature: Ken Kyle_____________
Committee Chairperson
Action Taken by the Board: Voice X Division of the House Roll Call____
___X _Adopted Date: 4/30/15 Time: 9:06 am
_______Adopted as Amended
_______Not Adopted
_______Recommitted to Agenda Committee