Agenda Item # 2





Appointment of Transitional LEC Officers at Newly Organized Carriers (Article III.A.2. & 4.)


Should Article III.A.2. and 4. of the AFA-CWA Constitution and Bylaws be amended to update the procedures for appointment of Local Officers at newly organized carriers?

SOURCE AND DATE SUBMITTED:  International President – February 27, 2015


AFA’s practice is for the International President to identify and appoint Local Officers at newly organized carriers. Consideration was often given to lead organizers from the campaign. At carriers with existing contracts, in some cases, though not all, outreach was made to leaders from the previous union.

Because the membership was not involved with the selection and appointment of leaders prior to a membership election, appointed leaders faced many obstacles to mobilizing and leading.

This agenda item would seek to ensure that a process is in place that solicits feedback from the membership prior to any appointment of temporary officers and gives due consideration to those existing leaders already serving their members.


WHEREAS, AFA-CWA’s primary objective is to Unite all cabin crew members in the airline industry; and,

Whereas, AFA-CWA will be organizing and welcoming new members and councils as we achieve this objective; and,

WHEREAS, AFA-CWA is a member-driven Union where Local Officers directly represent the interests of members within the Union Structure and with management at their respective airlines; and,

WHEREAS, in order to best represent those interests Local Officers at newly organized carriers need the support and backing of the membership;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Article III.A.2. be amended to read:

2. Establishment of Transitional Local Councils for Newly Organized Carriers

a. Local councils established on newly organized carriers without prior Union representation and a collective bargaining agreement shall be designated Transitional Local Councils.

b. In accordance with the provisions of Article III.A.3., a Transitional Local Council Representative shall be appointed who shall serve until officers of the Council have been duly elected in accordance with Article VIII.C. Each Transitional Local Council shall have the following elected Officers: President and Secretary.

c. Promptly after certification of the representation election, the International President will solicit input from the Flight Attendants of the newly organized carrier for names of potential appointees to the positions of Transitional Local Council Officers. Each potential appointee must receive a minimum of two recommendations and must sign a commitment to serve. Appointment by the International President will be made no later than 30 days after certification of the representation election results. Transitional Local Council Representative Officers shall be appointed who shall serve until officers of the Council have been duly elected in accordance with Article VIII.C.1.a.

d. The term of office of the elected Transitional Local Council Officers shall commence upon certification of the election results. The maximum term of office is three years, except that thirty and expire upon certification of the election of regular Local Council Officers as prescribed in paragraph (a) above, or three (3) years, whichever occurs first. Thirty (30) days after an initial contract is ratified, the International Secretary-Treasurer will initiate the election process for regular officers. Should a vacancy in either office occur, the Master Executive Council may appoint a Temporary Officer with the approval of the International President, and the International Secretary-Treasurer shall immediately initiate election procedures. Transitional Local Council Officers shall be considered Officers of the Union and shall have all the same rights and privileges of Local Council Officers as authorized under the Constitution and Bylaws of AFA-CWA.

d.e. Transitional Local Council Officers shall have all Constitutional jurisdiction and duties of regular Local Council Officers. There shall be no Transitional Local Executive Council. Transitional Local Council Committees shall be those necessary for member communications and negotiations.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that Article III.A.4. be amended to add a new subparagraph b. and all other subparagraphs reordered accordingly:

4. Initial Representation

a. This provision will apply to new domicile representation at existing AFA carriers as well as newly organized carriers with an existing collective bargaining agreement.

a.b.For the purpose of initial new domicile representation, the Executive Board shall promptly establish a probationary Local Council or Councils, and shall appoint Temporary Local Council President(s), Vice President(s), and Secretary(s), who shall serve until successors are elected. Should the Executive Board not be scheduled to meet within thirty (30) days, the International Secretary-Treasurer of the Union shall effect the above. When a newly organized carrier is involved, initial appointment of Temporary Local Officers will be in accordance with Article III.A.2.c.

b.c.The Temporary Local Council Officers will have all the jurisdiction and duties as provided in Article III.C.3. and E.1. and all the rights and privileges of elected Officers, however, they may not vote as representatives in an election and recall of Officers except as provided in Subparagraph c. below and Article VII.D.5.

c.d.The Temporary Local Council Officers shall have the same privileges with respect to the nomination and election of regular Local Executive Council Officers as all other eligible members on that airline and shall serve until regular Officers have been elected in accordance with Article VIII.C. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that Article VIII.C.1.a. be amended as follows:

1. Nomination Procedures a. No later than one hundred and fifty (150) days before the start of the term of office, the International Secretary-Treasurer of the Union shall cause nominating ballots, commitment to serve statements and cover letters to be mailed to all active members of all Local Councils within the United States scheduled for election as provided in Paragraph 3. of this Section. For all Local Councils located outside of the United States the time frame shall be two hundred and ten (210) days before the start of the term of office. The International Secretary-Treasurer of the Union shall notify the Local Council President thirty (30) days prior to distributing said nominating ballots.

For newly organized carriers, the nominating ballots, commitment to serve statements and cover letters shall be mailed to all active members of Local Councils no later than sixty (60) days following the appointment of Temporary Local Council Officers. Every effort should be made to ensure that at least 50% of the Flight Attendants have become members.


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(Office-2015) Date:   4/29/15 Time:  2:15 p.m.



Agenda Item #           2

Committee #               2

Subject:                      Appointment of Transitional LEC Officer (Article III.A.2. & 4.)


The Committee recommends the resolution be adopted as proposed.


Signature:      Ken Kyle_____________

Committee Chairperson


Action Taken by the Board:      Voice  X          Division of the House           Roll Call          


___X___Adopted                              Date:   4/29/15                        Time:  4:37 pm

_______Adopted as Amended

_______Not Adopted


_______Recommitted to Agenda Committee
