Agenda Item # 26
Posted on May 8, 2015
SUBJECT: Credentials Committee (Article III.D.3)
Should a Credentials Committee be established for Special Local Council Meetings called for the purpose of Circulating a Recall Ballot?
SOURCE AND DATE SUBMITTED: UAL Council 11 – April 28, 2015
Article IX.C. of the AFA-CWA Constitution and Bylaws provides the process for recall of a Local Council Officer. Although this process is rarely used, on those occasions where the membership of a large Council has successfully petitioned for a special meeting to be held to consider the recall of a Local Council Officer, the task of certifying the membership status of attendees and members who have submitted a proxy can be onerous and time-consuming.
In the past Local Council members have been appointed to act as the Credentials Committee, however, due to the nature of the issue being discussed there is generally a large membership attendance and those Local Council member members who have been charged with certification have been unable to attend the meeting at the designated start time because they are still engaged in the certification process.
WHEREAS, the AFA-CWA Constitution and Bylaws (C&B) provides for the process for holding a Local Council meeting which has been called to consider the recall of a Local Council Officer; and,
WHEREAS, the process for certifying the membership status of attendees and those members who have submitted a proxy is onerous and time-consuming; and,
WHEREAS, the AFA-CWA C&B does not provide for an official Credentials Committee to oversee the certification process;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a new section, Article III.D,3 be amended as follows:
- Special Local Council Meetings
A special meeting of the Local Council may be called by the President. Special meetings of the Local Council shall be called by the President upon written request of the Master Executive Council, the International President or two (2) or more Local Council Officers. The Officer(s) requesting such special meeting shall state the agenda for inclusion in the President’s published notice.
The International Secretary-Treasurer of the Union shall call a special meeting when petitioned in writing by thirty percent (30%) of the active members in good standing of a Local Council and shall publish notice of the time and place of the meeting and the agenda items included in the petition. A credentials committee will be appointed by the International Secretary-Treasurer, consisting of members of International Office Staff and/or member volunteers.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the International Secretary-Treasurer shall make necessary changes to AFA-CWA of the AFA Constitution and Bylaws to ensure consistency with the changes described above.
Date: 4/30/15
Time: 8:56 a.m.
Agenda Item # 26
Committee # 3
Subject: Credentials Committee
The agenda item was withdrawn prior to Committee.
Signature: Anita Jwanouskos
Committee Chairperson
Action Taken by the Board: Voice Division of the House Roll Call____
_______Adopted Date: 4/30/15 Time: 8:56 am
_______Adopted as Amended
_______Not Adopted
_______Recommitted to Agenda Committee
X Withdrawn