Agenda Item # 9
Posted on Apr 5, 2015
SUBJECT: Elections – Eligibility – Flight Attendant Qualification Status for Officers/Staff (Various Articles)
Should all AFA-CWA Officers and staff who hold a position on a represented carrier’s seniority list be required to maintain all flight attendant qualifications?
SOURCE AND DATE SUBMITTED: CAL 62, 63, 64 – February 27, 2015
AFA-CWA as a Union of, by, and for flight attendants should be cognizant of the fact our members look to their leadership not only for representational issues, but rely on these leaders to know and be current with the daily realities of the flight attendant profession. By requiring all officers and staffers to remain qualified, we can truly say we are FAs for FAs.
WHEREAS, AFA-CWA is a member oriented union, of, by, and for Flight Attendants; and,
WHEREAS, members expect their leadership not only to represent them, but to be aware of their daily realities; and,
WHEREAS, a non-qualified officer or staffer is legally prohibited from performing the duties of the rank and file; and,
WHEREAS, officers who allow themselves to lapse into non-qualified status are unable to properly represent the membership,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that all AFA-CWA Officers and Staff who hold a position on a represented carrier’s seniority list will maintain all flight attendant qualifications.
(Office-2015) Date: 4/29/15 Time: 6:35 p.m.
Agenda Item 9
Committee 2
Subject: Elections – Eligibility – FA & Leader Qualification Status
(Various Articles)
The Committee recommends the resolution not be adopted.
Signature: Ken Kyle
Committee Chairperson
Action Taken by the Board: Voice X Division of the House Roll Call
_______Adopted Date: 4/30/15 Time: 8:55 am
_______Adopted as Amended
_______Not Adopted
_______Recommitted to Agenda Committee
X Withdrawn