Agenda Item # 6
Posted on Apr 5, 2015
SUBJECT: Dues – Prepayment of Annual Dues (Article XI.B.4.)
Should the 10% discount for prepayment of annual dues be eliminated?
SOURCE AND DATE SUBMITTED: International President – February 27, 2015
This discount was introduced at a time when interest rates were high and it made fiscal sense for the Union to collect dues on an annual basis. Currently, however, this 10% discount far exceeds the financial benefit to the Union and results in reduced resources available to provide representation to members.
There are approximately 650 members, primarily senior F/A’s with higher incomes, who enjoy this reduction of $60 per year. This represents a union-wide cost of about $39,000 that could otherwise be allotted to other key priorities of the Board of Directors.
WHEREAS, significant savings can be achieved by eliminating the 10% discount for prepayment of annual dues;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Article XI.B.4. be deleted and the following Article remembered accordingly:
4. Prepayment of Annual Dues
Any member may pay dues annually in advance prior to July 1 of any year. instead of quarterly and a ten percent (10% discount will be granted to such member on such annual prepaid amount.
(Office-2015) Date 4/30/15 Time: 9:00 a.m.
Agenda Item 6
Committee 5
Subject: Dues – Prepayments of Annual Dues (Article XI.B.4.)
The Committee recommends the resolution be amended as follows:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the application of Article XI.B.4 be deleted and the following Article remembered accordingly: shall be immediately suspended and reinstated at the conclusion of the next B.O.D. be stricken out of the bylaws, and
ALSO BE IT RESOLVED, that if stricken, the same bylaw, Article XI.B.4., will be referred as an advanced agenda item at the next annual Board of Directors meeting.
Signature: Joey Guider__________
Committee Chairperson
Action Taken by the Board: Voice X Division of the House Roll Call____
_______Adopted Date: 4/30/15 Time: 11:34 am
___X __Adopted as Amended
_______Not Adopted
_______Recommitted to Agenda Committee