Agenda Item # 21
Posted on Apr 6, 2015
SUBJECT: Petitions (Article III.D.9.)
Should the Recall of Local Council Officers require a petition that is signed by 50% of the Active Members in Good Standing?
SOURCE AND DATE SUBMITTED: UAL 20, 21, 27, 42, CAL 62, 64 – February 26, 2015
At a Local Council meeting, which has been called to consider, among other things, a recall, (recall requires a petition in accordance with Article III.D.9. that is signed by 30% of the Active Members in Good Standing, and notice in accordance with Article III.D.4.) such Local Council, by a majority vote of the Members present, may request the International Secretary-Treasurer of the Union to initiate and circulate a ballot among the active Members in good standing of such Local Council for the removal of a Local Council Officer.
WHEREAS, when a recall is considered, it will require a petition that is signed by 50% of the Active Members in Good Standing, and notice in accordance with Article III.D.4. Such change will also include reducing the number of days in Article III.D.9. from 120 days for the petition bearer to 60 days from the date the petition is recorded to submit the final petition to the International Secretary-Treasurer;.
WHEREAS, recalls can drain the financial resources of the Local Executive Councils and prevent the ethical use of funds;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the democratic process of a recall to be conducted by majority vote exercised by requiring a petition in accordance with Article III.D.9. signed by 50% of the Active Members in Good Standing and also reduce the number of days in Article III.D.9. to 60 days from the date the petition is recorded to submit the final petition to the Secretary Treasurer.
Article III.D.3
- Special Local Council Meetings
A special meeting of the Local Council may be called by the President. Special meetings of the Local Council shall be called by the President upon written request of the Master Executive Council, the International President or two (2) or more Local Council Officers. The Officer(s) requesting such special meeting shall state the agenda for inclusion in the President’s published notice.
The International Secretary-Treasurer of the Union shall call a special meeting when petitioned in writing by thirty percent (30%) fifty percent (50%) of the active members in good standing of a Local Council and shall publish notice of the time and place of the meeting and the agenda items included in the petition.
Article III.D.9
- Petitions
a. Any member who wishes to circulate a petition must first contact the office of the International Secretary-Treasurer to record the statement of the petition. Any petition that is circulated among members of a Local Council must be clearly marked with a single intended purpose. The petition bearer shall have 120 60 days from the date the petition is recorded to submit the final petition to the International Secretary-Treasurer.
Date: 4/29/15
Time: 12:05 p.m.
Agenda Item # 21
Committee # 4
Subject: Petitions – LEC Officers (Article III.D.7. & 9.)
The Committee recommends the resolution not be adopted.
Signature: Laura Masserant
Committee Chairperson
Action Taken by the Board: Voice X Division of the House Roll Call
_______Adopted Date: 4/29/15 Time: 3:52 pm
_______Adopted as Amended
X Not Adopted
_______Recommitted to Agenda Committee