Agenda Item #7
Posted on Apr 22, 2016
SUBJECT: Dues – Obligation at Two Months and Elimination of the Initiation Fee (Articles II.C.3. and XI.C.)
Should Members be required to pay dues upon reaching two months of active service and the Initiation Fee be eliminated?
SOURCE AN DATE SUBMITTED: International President – April 15, 2016
The arrival of new-hire Flight Attendants is always a good sign at any airline. The addition of new members becoming active in the Local Council makes the Council stronger and more vibrant.
These newest members, from the first day they arrive on the line, are covered by the collective agreement and enjoy the vast majority of contractual protections and benefits. However, Local Councils have long realized that the arrival of new F/A’s significantly increases the representational activity with these newest members.
The concept behind this agenda item is merely to relate the payment of dues to the services rendered, rather than align dues payments to an arbitrary end date of probation.
While not the prime motivating factor, this change is consistent with Board direction to explore revenue ideas.
This change is also consistent with Department of Labor standards.
WHEREAS the Department of Labor (DOL) recognizes normal payment of dues from the second month of employment; and,
WHEREAS, AFA has always ensured that new members receive all contractual benefits associated with scope, pay, benefits, and working conditions; and,
WHEREAS, all Flight Attendants reap the benefits of the vast majority of contractual provisions from the first day of employment; and,
WHEREAS, payment of dues should relate to receipt of contractual protections rather than an arbitrary duration of probation that is determined by management; and,
WHEREAS, elimination of the existing Initiation Fee will provide some financial relief to these same new members;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Article II.C.3. be amended as follows:
- Apprentice MembersAn apprentice member is a flight attendant who possesses all the requirements for active membership with the exception of having completed the required company probationary period stipulated in that member’s employment agreement two month union apprenticeship, or who need not be represented by the Union under that member’s employment agreement, and whose application for such status has been approved in accordance with Sections of this Article. Such member will not be required to assume any financial obligation until becoming eligible for active membership. An apprentice member is excluded from the rights and privileges of the Union until that member meets the full requirements for active membership. However, an apprentice member shall be allowed full privileges of the floor at any Local Council meeting or portion thereof which has not been specifically declared closed to apprentice members.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Article XI.C. (Initiation Fee) be deleted and subsequent subsections be re-numbered accordingly.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that these changes will be effective for Flight Attendants hired on or after January 1, 2017; and,
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, the International Secretary-Treasurer shall make other necessary changes as needed to ensure consistency with the changes described above.
Date: 5/23/16
Time: 5:46 p.m.
Agenda Item 7
Committee 7
Subject: Dues – Obligation at Two Months and Elimination of the Initiation Fee
(Articles II.C.3. and XI.C., Section IV, B.12. & C.1.b.)
The Committee recommends the following substitute resolution:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Constitution & Bylaws will be amended as follows:
C. Description of Classes
- Active Members
a. An active member is a flight attendant employed by an airline for whom the Union is the bargaining representative who has met the qualifications of Section A. of this Article and has been approved for such status in accordance with Section D. of this Article. A Flight Attendant shall be eligible to become an active member following four full calendar months of service as a Flight Attendant following the completion of training. An active member in good standing shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Union, including the right to vote and hold elected and appointed office. A member shall remain active until: [This amended provision effective January 1, 2017.]
C.3. Apprentice Members
An apprentice member is a Flight Attendant who possesses all the requirements for active membership with the exception of having completed the required company probationary period stipulated in that member’s employment agreement, or who need not be represented by the Union under that member’s employment agreement, and whose application for such status has been approved in accordance with Sections of this Article. Such member will not be required to assume any financial obligation until becoming eligible for active membership. An apprentice member is excluded from the rights and privileges of the Union until that member meets the full requirements for active membership. However, an apprentice member shall be allowed full privileges on the floor at any Local Council meeting or portion thereof which has not been specifically declared closed to apprentice members. [This provision will be replaced with the below paragraph effective January 1, 2017.]
C.3. Apprentice Members
An apprentice member is a Flight Attendant who possesses all the requirements for active membership except for the requirement of four full calendar months of service as defined in Paragraph C.1 above with the exception of having completed the required company probationary period stipulated in that member’s employment agreement, or who need not be represented by the Union under that member’s employment agreement, and whose application for such status has been approved in accordance with Sections of this Article. Such member will not be required to assume any financial obligation until becoming eligible for active membership. An apprentice member is excluded from the rights and privileges of the Union until that member meets the full requirements for active membership. However, an apprentice member shall be allowed full privileges on the floor at any Local Council meeting or portion thereof which has not been specifically declared closed to apprentice members. [This amended provision effective January 1, 2017.]
C. Initiation Fee
- Each applicant accepted by the Union for active membership on or after October 31, 2005 shall be required to pay an initiation fee of sixty dollars ($60.00), paid either at one time on approval of active membership or on a monthly basis for six (6) months at ten dollars ($10.00) per month. Individuals who were members of AFA-CWA carriers at the time AFA-CWA’s representation rights terminated at their carrier shall not be required to pay an initiation fee upon rejoining AFA-CWA. Payment of initiation fees for members on newly organized carriers without prior Union representation and a collective bargaining agreement shall be deferred until after an initial contract is ratified.
- The International President may ballot the Executive Board for the purpose of waiving initiation fees in connection with organizing activities. Majority vote shall prevail. [This provision deleted effective January 1, 2017.]
Section IV
B.12. Upon receipt, thirty-five (35%) percent of the initiation fee collected from members on each airline will be credited to the Master Executive Council budget on that airline. [This provision deleted effective January 1, 2017.]
Section IV
C.1.b. Upon receipt sixty-five (65%) percent of the initiation fee collected from members in each Local Council will be credited to the Local Executive Council budget for that council. [This provision deleted effective January 1, 2017.]
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, the International Secretary-Treasurer shall make other necessary changes, including any references to the initiation fee, to ensure consistency with the changes described above.
Signature: Anthony King
Committee Chairperson
Action Taken by the Board: Voice X Division of the House Roll Call____
_______Adopted Date: 5/24/16 Time: 3:15 pm
___X__ Adopted as Amended
_______Not Adopted
_______Recommitted to Agenda Committee