Resolution for the Location of the 2018 Board of Directors Meeting
WHEREAS, the two cities presented for the location of the 2018 Board of Directors regular meeting are Orlando, Florida and Atlantic City; New Jersey; and,
WHEREAS, a leading advocate for AFA issues such as Fight for 10, the FAA Reauthorization bill, and Flight Attendant rest, has been Transportation and Infrastructure Committee leader, Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ); and,
WHEREAS, Atlantic City, New Jersey has been severely impacted by the bankruptcy of the Trump Hotel in a very unionized city; and,
WHEREAS, AFA intends to place its largest meeting of the year in a hotel that supports Union workers;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 2018 Board of Directors meeting be held in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Adopted by the Board of Directors, June 24, 2017